Owner and Managing Director, Arend Langer, came from a farming background in Germany and has founded the company in 1998 which offers top class agricultural equipment to the farming sector of South Africa and beyond with a dynamic and innovative team of over 60 staff members.
Products :

MONOSEM Planters

DUNCAN AG - Coil tine & double disc seeders
The DUNCAN Renovator drills will penetrate existing pastures, hard and rocky as well as cultivated soils. they can be used to renovate or boost up existing pastures, sow crops such as wheat and clover, peas or canola into cultivated soils or maize stubble.

TITANIUM - Precision Planting on a Budget
The TITANIUM planters are sturdy built No-Till planters available in 2 to 8-row tractor-mounted models.
The planters are equipped with highly accurate mechanical seed and fertiliser meters. It can be used in conventional, minimum tillage as well as No-Till conditions.

In-Line Ripper

Grassland SubSoiler
The Carrotech subsoiler is an ideal implement for subsoiling, pasture renovation and re-seeding. Built to farmer specification with tines working up to 350mm deep. Tines are protected by a mechanical auto-reset system. The spring loaded disc coulters open the turf without inversion and the spiked roller consolidates the aerated turf and controls the working depth.

DEWULF Top lifting harvesters
DEWULF offers self-propelled, trailed and mounted top lifting carrot harvesters that can harvest from a single line to four rows at a time. Their models can either be equipped with a bulk hopper that is emptied at the head lands or an elevator that constantly discharges onto a trailer that runs side by side with the harvester. The DEWULF top lifting carrot harvesters are equipped with only high-quality components and well sealed bearings. DEWULF harvesters will allow you to have a comfortable harvesting season.
Read more at Dewulf’s main website: www.dewulfgroup.com
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BASELIER Rotary tillers
BASELIER Rotary Tillers are built much larger and heavier than ordinary rotavators and has straight tines instead of curved blades. The advantage of a tine is that it does not create a plough aiding root growth and drainage. A BASELEIR Rotary Tiller can work deeper than conventional machines and can therefore make a higher ridge and the crumbling action is enhanced. Users confirm that the improved seedbed results in better growth and crops of a higher quality.
Read more at Baselier’s main website: www.baselier.com
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HOLARAS Toppers & windrowers for onions
The HOLARAS toppers perform efficient topping of onions before windrowing. The machines are available as front or rear mounted models. 3 sets of rotating knives raise the leaves, cut the top, and blow it into the right wheel track. The cutting height is hydraulically adjustable by 4 support wheels. The HOLARAS windrowers are reliable and low in running costs. The onions are lifted out of the soil by means of a square lifting rod. All models have 2 webs and are equipped with an adjustable shaker underneath.
Read more at Holaras’s main website: www.holaras.nl
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WYMA Polisher for carrots and potatoes
The WYMA Vege-Polisher™ is the most effective vegetable polishing system in the world, suitable for washing and polishing a variety of produce including potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, beetroot, etc. The polishing performance is achieved with rotary brush technology combined with the traditional drum washing agitation. The drum is made from rows of brushes that counter rotate to the drum. This will considerably improve the appearance of your fresh vegetables.
Read more at Wyma’s main website: www.wymasolutions.com
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ALLROUND Roller grader
The ALLROUND Roller Grader sizes fresh produce like carrots, potatoes and onions, by placing them between two rollers that are moving forward and rotating. The rollers are mounted on an endless chain travelling on a series of ramps. As the rollers move forward, every second roller lifts up, increasing the gap between it and every other roller which is fixed in place. When the gaps increase to the size of the produce, the produce drops through to a series of cross conveyors, if ordered.
Read more at Allrounds main website: www.allroundvp.com
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